Gift a name
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Name gifting is a great way to grow the decentralized web. One name gift could lead to the recipient building a dWeb site or app, contributing to a Handshake implementation such as HSD, providing funding to a dWeb initiative or doing some name gifting of their own.

Below is a list of names we would like to gift to Bitcoin Core developers.


.schnelli/Jonas Schnelli@_jonasschnelli_
.practicalswift/Thomas JN/APending
.ldashjr/Luke Dashjr@LukeDashjrPending
.dashjr/Luke Dashjr@LukeDashjrPending
.jonatack/Jon AtackN/APending
.marcofalke/Marco FalkeN/APending
.laanwj/W J van der Laan@laanwjPending
.promag/João Barbosa@promagPending
.hebasto/Hennadii Stepanov@hhebastoPending
.stepanov/Hennadii Stepanov@hhebastoPending
.dongcarl/Carl Dong@carl_dongPending
.achow/Andrew Chow@achow101Pending
.theuni/Cory FieldsN/APending
.fanquake/Michael Ford@fanquakePending
.thebluematt/Matt Corallo@TheBlueMattPending
.gavinandresen/Gavin Andresen@gavinandresenPending
.antonopulos/Andreas Antonopoulos@aantonopPending


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